Your guide on how to enjoy MIAS 2023

Your guide on how to enjoy MIAS 2023

It’s safe to assume that MIAS 2023 will keep you on your toes, literally and figuratively. The venue of the annual motor show — the World Trade Center in Pasay City — is expected to be jam-packed with all manner of vehicles.


  • When and where will MIAS 2023 be staged?

    Doors of MIAS 2023 are open from Thursday, April 13, 2023 to Sunday, April 16, 2023, from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. The World Trade Center in Pasay City is the venue.
  • Where can attendees buy tickets for MIAS 2023?

    Tickets for MIAS 2023 are available at, or possibly, at the venue itself. Tickets could cost P100 and up.
  • Big and small, new and old, the exciting and the mundane — you’ll find all of them sitting pretty under the stage lights or putting their shows on the road outside the WTC walls. MIAS 2023 will enable the public to test drive the cars available in the market today.

    Obviously, MIAS isn’t the kind of event you’ll enjoy while sitting down. But don’t fret — if you follow our advice below, you’ll absorb the sights and sounds of MIAS 2023 as comfortably as you can.

    Arrive Early

    The early bird gets the worm, which in this case is precious parking space. As with the previous iterations of MIAS, paid parking is available in the open lot across the street from WTC. If you arrive way before the 9 a.m. opening of the event, you’ll get to park as close to the venue as possible. But whether you’re early or otherwise, an umbrella will shield you from sunlight or drizzle as you make the short walk from your car to WTC.

    WTC MIAS 2023

    Wear Comfortable Clothes

    You have plenty of ground to cover, so it’s best to wear the lightest pair of shoes you have. The halls of WTC are air conditioned, but either out of the excitement from beholding all the wonderful vehicles or you’re just naturally sweaty, you might still reach for the towel. Our point is, wear breathable clothes or bring an extra shirt just in case.

    Fill Up Your Tank

    Even if you forget to bring a thermos of water to or eat before attending MIAS 2023, there are food kiosks dotted around the venue for your comfort. Take your pick from refreshingly ice-cold fruit juices or warm hotdogs and rice meals.

    MIAS 2023

    Juice Up Your Devices

    Don’t forget to bring portable chargers and the chargers for your mobile phone or cameras. Without juiced-up devices, how can you document this momentous occasion? If he does come to town, how can you take a video of precision driver Russ Swift drifting and sliding Subaru cars?

    Russ Swift Subaru MIAS 2022

    Have Fun!

    It’ll be the easiest thing to do at MIAS. You, or your friends and family you might bring along, will be doing this without even thinking about it. If you take a trip down memory lane here, you’ll expect nothing less than another big and bright automotive spectacle this year.

    Mitsubishi at Manila International Auto Show (MIAS) 2022

    Photos from Worldbex Services International, Mitsubishi Motors Philippines Corp., screenshot from Google Maps 

    Dylan Afuang

    Dylan Afuang

    Growing up in the 2000s, Dylan browsed through car magazines before reading proper books, and watched motoring TV shows as often as he did cartoons. So, talking about cars came natural to him. His dream car is the Honda S2000.

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