Auto Focus People's Choice and Media's Choice Awards Set to Go Online on 15th March

MANILA: Organised by Sunshine Television, the nationwide poll for Auto Focus People's Choice and Media's Choice Awards is set to go online from tomorrow to seek out the country's most popular automobiles. This annual awards program is the Philippines' only award program for the domestic automotive industry which was first introduced in 2005 to determine the winning and the most popular automobile models solely based on a combined selection process of online public votes and unit sales.
The nationwide online poll will continue to be hosted on the Auto Focus website as well as on the dedicated Facebook page where in the voters will be asked to select their favorite drives for the award in the dedicated Standard and Luxury categories. Each selection will be count as a vote in both the Model and Automobile of the Year award. Public can also vote for their favorite automobile via a Facebook app. The introduction of a Facebook app for online voting is a big move on part of Sunshine TV as it will ease the process of voting for the public. In the past the voters were required to go through the time-consuming process of punching in the individual votes in 11 Standard and 10 luxury classifications and then pick out their respective Automobile of the Year from those selections.
Unlike previous years, this year, the public votes will account for 80% of the total score while the actual January-September sales will make up for the rest 20% in determining a model's standing in the race of Auto Focus People's Choice and Media's Choice Awards.
The Model of the Year will be picked from 11 Standard and 10 Luxury segments for the 2016 AFPCA and these are categorized in: subcompact, mid-size and large sedans; MPVs, pickups, sports cars, compact, midsize and large SUVs and then there will be a separate Automobile of the Year award for the Standard and Luxury categories. Last year, Toyota Fortuner and Lexus 200t emerged out as the AFPCA Automobile of the Year in Standard and Luxury categories respectively from over 140 base models. Toyota Fortuner with the world-class recognition has now surfaced the global automarket with the all-new Toyota Fortuner TRD-Sportivo.
With the new amendment in the frequency of votes, participants are allowed to vote once daily and the polling for the Philippines’ Automotive Award will conclude on September 30, 2016 announcing the people's choice Automobile of the Year awardee.
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