Tata bids farewell to the Php 188k priced Nano
MANILA: Tata has now announced that it will put an end to the production of Nano. Tata Nano, which was world’s cheapest car, will no longer be produced from next year onwards. Due to lacklustre sales, the company has planned to shut down Nano’s production.
The Indian automaker Tata launched the Nano about a decade ago. The world went abuzz with the announcement of the world’s cheapest car. The major success of the car was being expected worldwide, especially in the Indian auto market.
But, Tata Nano failed to succeed. Although, its starting price tag was just USD 3500 in India (about Php 188,000) and seemed promising for those who wanted to step up to an automobile from a motorcycle. Yet, the Nano was unable to receive the kind of response that was expected. The major reason that has been cited behind its failure is that cheap quality parts were used in the car. Especially, air conditioning and safety features of the car were reported to be not good enough.
It has been reported by AutoNews that Tata produced 275 units of the Nano in June 2017 and 25 units of these units were sent abroad. However, in June 2018, only one Nano was produced and none of its units was exported.
The Indian auto market has seen a growth of 12% in the last fiscal year (April 2017 - March 2018), that is about 4 million automobiles. Yet, Tata Nano failed to make its mark in Indian as well as foreign market and thus, the production of the car has now been officially announced to be stopped from next year.
In the Philippines market, Tata offers a total of six vehicles - 3 passengers, rest commercial. Tata Philippines cheapest offering in the country is the Indigo sedan that is priced at Php 545,000.
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