Volkswagen Cheat Round 2: Another set of defeat software for 2016 cars

Volkswagen Cheat Round 2: Another set of defeat software for 2016 cars

Volkswagen has moved to its second round of cheat scandal where the things will only go normal if Environmental Protection Agency allows it to smoke in public.

MANILA: Like you, we too are bored with the everyday Volkswagen drama. The German car maker seems to follow its hardcore rigid dictator by heart. See, like Hitler, who loved to be under the limelight and played with danger all the time, same is the case with VW. The day before yesterday, VW Board announced its diesel strategy, in an anticipation to clean up its global mess. But see, what happened.

Another set of software, different from the one installed in 2009-2015 models, has been coupled to the new 2016 models and is called 'auxiliary emission control device'. And now VW is known to send its new development to Enviromental Protection Agency for a final approval, if things go well then only VW will be given a certificate making it eligible for further sales in the U.S.

It's like bad luck has resided in the houses of all those who are somehow related to Volkswagen. Take for example the dealers, they are already stuck with the old models armed with the 'defeat device' and now are unable to replace them with new 2016 models. As thousands of Beetles, Golfs and Jettas remain deserted at U.S port, with their future depending on the EPA verdict.

Auxiliary Emission Control Device – What, How & Why!

So, after the 'defeat device', VW's software developers have now developed what we know as auxiliary emission control deceive. The said equipment is fitted in all the new 2016 VW cars and is currently out for inspection at the EPA lab. Coz, any new equipment needs approval before it can go out for sale and things are under cover whether or not it'll pass the test. The new device is known to heat up the pollution control catalyst faster than normal, thus making it easier to split harmful nitrogen oxide into nitrogen and oxygen.

Conclusion -

If EPA response comes out to be a negative one, then god save Volkswagen and lets its soul rest in peace. Also, before getting buried we would like to ask for complete lists of its ill practices.

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