How to deep clean your car

An automobile does more than reaching you from one point to another. Car owners spend a lot of time with their families and friends, going on long highway trips, closing business deals and visiting relatives and loved ones. More than the brand and model of the car you own, it’s important to keep the vehicle in its best condition, both outside and inside. A car that is in top condition is more pleasurable to drive. While regular cleaning is a must, you should also deep clean your car at least once in three months.
Here’s how you can do that without much hassle.
Getting started
Before you begin the actual deep cleaning process, you must keep in mind the following points.
Weather forecast: It’s always advisable to deep clean your car on a day which is not too sunny. Such a type of weather may cause your cleaning solution and water on the car’s exterior to dry too fast, leaving soap stain spots. A cool day is always preferable in this regard.
The items you will need: To retain the factory finish of your car, you will need a bucket, a cleansing solution or soap, a clean sponge, a garden hose, a source for water, and a car vacuum cleaner.
Cleaning the exterior
Fill the bucket with clean water. This will remove any debris that may be left in the bucket. If you are using an automotive soap, read the manufacturer’s instructions regarding its use. The instructions are usually printed on the container’s label. Pour the soap into the bucket and mix it thoroughly with the right amount of water. The mixed solution must create suds which actually cleans the car.
But before you start cleansing, rinse the car’s exterior with clear and cold water. This helps in removing any dirt or particulate matter from the surface which may otherwise scratch the car’s paint when you begin to scrub. That aside, the water’s temperature also helps in cooling down the finish and at the same time doesn’t evaporate too quickly.
Once you finish cleaning the exterior, start with the rooftop. Immerse the sponge into the solution, squeeze out excess liquid, and clean the roof in a circular motion. Divide the roof into sections and clean each of them thoroughly. Scrub off any overlapping area. Whenever you refill the sponge with the solution, make sure to wring it on the ground and not in the bucket. This will prevent the dirt gathered in the sponge from going into a clear solution. Rinse the entire roof with water after you finish scrubbing. Continue cleaning the remaining part of the car’s exterior.
Cleaning the interior
Many car owners are only concerned with cleaning their car’s exterior since that’s what an onlooker will notice first. The interior, however, often demands more attention than the exterior to retain the car’s ride quality.
Take out the floor mats before you begin cleaning your car’s cabin. Use the garden hose to rinse debris from the floor mats. A hard brush can be used to scrub off stubborn dirt particles from the mat. If the mats are manufactured from upholstery, use a vacuum cleaner for cleansing. Rubber mats can be cleaned with soap and water and then rinsed dry.
The cabin of a car requires regular cleaning with a vacuum. This will prevent unwanted stains sticking to the upholstery and would also ensure that all the nooks and difficult corners are free from dirt residue and debris. A car upholstery or carpet cleaning product can be used for removing any stubborn stain from the mat. The cleaner takes time to work. Put a clean cloth over the floor mat and keep it pressed for some time. This will allow the residual dirt to get stuck on to the cloth.
Having cleaned the mats, vacuum the car’s floor. If your car has upholstered seating, vacuum clean the fabric to remove debris. Use the appropriate attachments of your vacuum cleaner to draw dirt from tight spaces, especially the area below the seats and the air-conditioning vents. An upholstery cleaner can be used to remove stains from the seats.
For cars with leather seats, a leather-specific cleaner is necessary to clean them. The solution has to be applied to a section and then wiped off before moving on to the next. Once you have finished, use a clean cloth to buff the leather.
Use an automotive product to bring back the cabin’s shine. Wipe the dashboard, the instrument cluster area and other interior parts like the pillars with the automotive product. Spray a small quantity of the solution on to the surface and wipe it with a cloth. A glass cleaner can be used to clean the windshield and windows.
Remember, a car that looks good and has a proper ambience to travel in, always uplifts our mood. An unkempt car can make us agitated and tired. It’s even more frustrating if the cabin is unclean or dull. A deep cleaning is always recommended for your car, particularly if you drive it every day.
Also read: How to drive an automatic car
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