MotorStar Sapphire 110 -II vs Skygo Hero Comparison
Find below the detailed Motorcycles comparison of MotorStar Sapphire 110 -II and Skygo Hero, based on price, specifications, & other features. We have the MotorStar Sapphire 110 -II priced at ₱40,500, while Skygo Hero is priced at ₱50,000 . If we compare the technical specifications, MotorStar Sapphire 110 -II houses 109.6 engine whereas Skygo Hero engine displacement stands at 125.
Read MoreOverview: Sapphire 110 -II vs Hero
Brand | MotorStar Philippines | Skygo Philippines |
SRP* | ₱40,500 Sapphire 110 -II Price | ₱50,000 Hero Price |
Variant | Sapphire 110 -II Standard | Hero Standard |
User Rating | 4.21 Sapphire 110 -II reviews | 4.27 Hero reviews |
Fuel Type | Gasoline Gasoline Motorcycles in Philippines | Gasoline Gasoline Motorcycles in Philippines |
Available Color(s) |
Vehicle Type | Moped Moped Motorcycles in Philippines | Moped Moped Motorcycles in Philippines |
Key Features
Front Brake | Disc | Disc |
Transmission Type | Manual | Automatic |
Displacement | 109.6 cc | 125 cc |
Start Option | Kick & Electric | Kick & Electric |
Ground Clearance | - | 150 mm |
Maximum Power | - | 8 hp |
Best Loan Offers
DP ₱8,100 MA : ₱694 x 60 Months Get Exclusive Promos | DP ₱10,000 MA : ₱857 x 60 Months Get Exclusive Promos |
Photo Comparision
User Ratings & Review Comparison
14 reviews | 11 reviews | |
User Review Comparison |
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MotorStar Sapphire 110 -II vs Skygo Hero FAQs
Which Motorcycle is cheaper between MotorStar Sapphire 110 -II vs Skygo Hero?
Sapphire 110 -II is priced at ₱40,500 and Hero is priced at ₱50,000. Hence Sapphire 110 -II is the cheapest amongst these Motorcycle.
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