CVT City Cars Philippines
Find the price list of CVT City Cars in the Philippines. There are a total of 20 CVT City car models available for sale. Kia Seltos, Toyota Wigo, Mitsubishi Mirage G4, Honda Brio and MG One are the most popular CVT City car models among Philippines car buyers. The lowest-priced model is Toyota Wigo 2025 priced at ₱615,000 and the most expensive one is Lexus LBX 2025, which retails at ₱2.558 Million. Please select your desired CVT City car models from the list below to know the complete price list in your city, promos, variants, specs, photos, fuel consumption, and review.
CVT City Cars Price in Philippines
Model | Price List |
Kia Seltos | ₱1.198 - 1.688 Million |
Toyota Wigo | ₱615,000 - 735,000 |
Mitsubishi Mirage G4 | ₱769,000 - 929,000 |
Honda Brio | ₱735,000 - 863,000 |
MG One | ₱1.299 - 1.459 Million |
Geely GX3 Pro | ₱778,000 - 878,000 |
Nissan Almera | ₱845,000 - 1.195 Million |
Honda Civic | ₱1.583 - 1.99 Million |
Honda City | ₱973,000 - 1.128 Million |
Toyota Corolla Altis | ₱1.213 - 1.761 Million |
Hyundai Creta | ₱1.048 - 1.388 Million |
Mitsubishi XForce | ₱1.367 - 1.581 Million |
20 CVT City Cars Philippines
Mitsubishi Mirage G4₱769,000 - 929,000 SRP Price ManilaMirage G4 Price
Toyota Corolla Altis₱1.213 - 1.761 Million SRP Price ManilaCorolla Altis Price
Mitsubishi XForce₱1.367 - 1.581 Million SRP Price ManilaXForce Price
Key Highlights of CVT City Cars
Popular Models Kia Seltos, Toyota Wigo, Mitsubishi Mirage G4, Honda Brio, MG One Affordable Model Toyota Wigo Expensive Model Lexus LBX