Diesel Cars Under ₱2 Million
Find the price list of ₱1M - ₱2M Diesel Cars in the Philippines. There are a total of 34 ₱1M - ₱2M Diesel car models available for sale. Kia K2500, Toyota Hilux, Toyota Innova, Toyota Hiace and Toyota Fortuner are the most popular ₱1M - ₱2M Diesel car models among Philippines car buyers. The lowest-priced model is Toyota Hilux 2025 priced at ₱891,000 and the most expensive one is Toyota Hiace 2025, which retails at ₱3.297 Million. Please select your desired ₱1M - ₱2M Diesel car models from the list below to know the complete price list in your city, promos, variants, specs, photos, fuel consumption, and review.
₱1M - ₱2M Diesel Cars Price in Philippines
Model | Price List |
Kia K2500 | ₱1.21 - 1.307 Million |
Toyota Hilux | ₱891,000 - 2.164 Million |
Toyota Innova | ₱1.267 - 1.814 Million |
Toyota Hiace | ₱1.195 - 3.297 Million |
Toyota Fortuner | ₱1.775 - 2.656 Million |
Nissan Navara | ₱1.115 - 1.85 Million |
Mitsubishi Montero Sport | ₱1.568 - 2.502 Million |
Nissan Urvan | ₱1.26 - 2.06 Million |
Mitsubishi Triton | ₱1.134 - 1.909 Million |
Isuzu Traviz | ₱1.04 - 1.11 Million |
GWM Cannon | ₱1.048 - 1.498 Million |
Ford Ranger | ₱1.259 - 1.94 Million |
34 Diesel Cars Under ₱2 Million
Toyota Fortuner₱1.775 - 2.656 Million SRP Price MakatiFortuner Price
Mitsubishi Montero Sport₱1.568 - 2.502 Million SRP Price MakatiMontero Sport Price
Mitsubishi Triton₱1.134 - 1.909 Million SRP Price MakatiTriton Price
Key Highlights of ₱1M - ₱2M Diesel Cars
Popular Models Kia K2500, Toyota Hilux, Toyota Innova, Toyota Hiace, Toyota Fortuner Affordable Model Toyota Hilux Expensive Model Toyota Hiace Upcoming Models MG RX8