Tips To Improve Mileage Of Your Bike

Most of the bike enthusiasts are curious about the power and torque a bike delivers. Such enthusiasts are also concerned about the performance and the top speed they can hit on different bikes. But, there are normal riders who use their bikes for the day to day commutation purpose and adventure is not a big thing for them. For such riders, efficiency, and ease of ride in traffic matter the most. And, here we are, to aware you about some useful tips that can help you in improving your bike mileage to a significant extent.
Timely Service

For any sort of vehicle, regular maintenance is a must. In order to get the best fuel efficiency, your bike or scooter needs to be at its mechanical best. Therefore, it is very important to service your bike or scooter properly and in a timely manner. Nowadays, most of the manufacturers have a wide network of service stations so, pick the nearest service station and maintain a proper schedule to get the optimal results from your two-wheeler.
Don’t Play With The Throttle

Try to be as gentle as possible on the throttle. If you will whack your throttle, more fuel will be fed and consumption increases significantly. In addition to this, also try to maintain a linear speed on the road. Don’t over stress the engine. One should also maintain a proper gear to get the best possible mileage. Changing gears frequently might result in knocking and resulting in poor efficiency.
Tyre Pressure

Most of the riders fail to maintain a proper tyre pressure, which results to poor efficiency. Always maintain the tyre pressure mentioned in the owner’s manual to get optimal balance and efficiency on road. If your tyre is under inflated then it will have a larger footprint that increases the friction, resulting in poor efficiency. Also, don’t over inflate the tyres as it will wear out your tyre faster and the ride quality will be also bumpy.
Switch it off
While waiting at the traffic signals, always turn off your engine. Most of the riders think that a few seconds won’t matter much but, in a long run these small halts sum up to a big number and the overall efficiency gets affected. In addition to this, most of the two-wheeler users think that starting the engine consumes more fuel than letting the engine in an idle state but, this is not true. Nowadays, almost each new-motorcycle or scooter comes with an electric start that needs just a push of a button to start. So, whenever you are at a red light, switch the engine off.
Weight Check

The lesser the weight, the less load the engine will take. Therefore, always ensure that you are not carrying unnecessary weight on the vehicle. Always keep a close check on the amount of weight you are carrying, as it affects the mileage of your bike in a significant manner. If you are riding with the pillion then make sure to get the tyre pressure corrected to get the optimal efficiency.
Along with the above-mentioned factors, also try to maintain a significant level in the fuel tank and try to not ride with low fuel level. If you follow these mentioned factors then it is likely that your beloved bike will give you best results. So, let us know the tips you have adopted from the list and its affect on your bike mileage in the comment section.
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