MotorStar Star-X155 IIA
MotorStar Star-X155 IIA
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What is the price of MotorStar Star-X155 IIA?

On road prices of MotorStar Star-X155 IIA in Manila starts from for base variant Standard, while the top spec variant Standard costs at .

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MotorStar Star-X155 IIA Questions & Answers (FAQs)

  • Overview
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  • Spec

How much is MotorStar Star-X155 IIA in Philippines?

The MotorStar Star-X155 IIA price in the Philippines starts at for the base variant.

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What is the Weight of MotorStar Star-X155 IIA?

The kerb weight of MotorStar Star-X155 IIA is 106 kg .

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What is the Engine Displacement of MotorStar Star-X155 IIA?

The MotorStar Star-X155 IIA has a 155 cc Single Cylinder, 4 Stroke, Air Cooled engine.

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What is the Tyre Type of MotorStar Star-X155 IIA?

The MotorStar Star-X155 IIA has Radial Tyre Type.

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What else I Can buy in MotorStar Star-X155 IIA price range?

The top alternatives of MotorStar Star-X155 IIA in the same price range are MotorStar Star-X 125S ₱39,000, MotorStar Star X 125 II ₱40,000, MotorStar Star-X155 ₱45,000, Skygo Wizard 125 ₱45,500 and Skygo King ₱48,000.

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What is the Price of MotorStar Star-X155 IIA Diesel ?

There is no diesel engine option available in MotorStar Star-X155 IIA.

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What is the Price of MotorStar Star-X155 IIA Automatic ?

There is no Automatic option available in MotorStar Star-X155 IIA.

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How many images available in MotorStar Star-X155 IIA?

MotorStar Star-X155 IIA motorcycle has 4 exterior Images.

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How many colour options available in MotorStar Star-X155 IIA?

MotorStar Star-X155 IIA is available in 1 different colors in Philippines. check Star-X155 IIA colors images.

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What are the color options available in MotorStar Star-X155 IIA?

There are total 1 colors available in Philippines for MotorStar Star-X155 IIA: Red etc.

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What is the Engine Capacity of MotorStar Star-X155 IIA?

The Star-X155 IIA is offered in 1 engine option: 155 cc. Check complete specs here: MotorStar Star-X155 IIA spec

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What are the Safety Features Available in MotorStar Star-X155 IIA?

MotorStar Star-X155 IIA safety features are: Side Reflectors, Back Rest and Leg Guards

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Compare MotorStar Star-X155 IIA with Alternatives

MotorStar Star-X155 IIA
MotorStar Star-X 125S
MotorStar Star X 125 II
MotorStar Star-X155
Skygo Wizard 125
Engine 155
Start Option Kick & Electric
Kick & Electric
Kick & Electric
Transmission Type Manual
Front Brake Drum
Ground Clearance -
140 mm
180 mm
Power -
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